Sunday, April 3, 2011

Another Day of Yin Yang!

2 days in a row of Yin Yang Yoga! I'm going to forget all about the bikram series soon :P

I was a little worried going into this class that everyone went to class yesterday, and I was going to be there all by myself. Which I supposed wouldn't be so bad. But I needn't have worried as there were plenty of people who wanted some yoga this morning.

Today I made sure to have breakfast and plenty of water before class, and I think that made a big difference.

Yin postures are a lot more challenging than I initially gave them credit for. The challenge is that you hold them for a LONG time. So what starts out as slightly uncomfortable can be practically unbearable by the end of it.

Today we did a lot of core work, something I really need to work on. I really appreciate that this class and Kate as the instructor has a large focus on correct posture. I've taken classes before that just move quickly through, and it's easy to make mistakes and keep making the same mistake class after class. Sometimes it seems like a minor adjustment, but it can make a HUGE difference.

We also spent some time really working those hamstrings! I was not quite a melty as this picture here, but it still felt pretty good. My hamstrings are slowly getting used to stretching out more, and my quads are getting stronger and are much more useful in supporting my legs and protecting my hamstrings.

And we played with straps and balancing! As you may know, balancing is a bit challenging for me, but it was really fun. Trying to move my gaze though turned out to be much more difficult than I thought it would be!

Overall, class was challenging and fun!

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