Thursday, April 7, 2011

The Floor is Lava!!

Wowzers! Today was a hot one! Class stayed above 102 the whole time, so for those purists who think the high 90's aren't hot enough, you should definitely come back to class! And the rest who dig the lower temps, don't worry, it was challenging, but it felt really good.

I'm pretty sure I drank more sweat than I did water this class. I could already see beads of sweat forming on my arms in the beginning breathing series, and in Hands to Feet I had sweat going up my nose.

Pictures were being taken today, and so I wore capri pants since I was a little self conscious, and the shorts I had brought were really short and kind of loose fitting, so I thought bad things might happen. By standing bow pulling pose I was so miserably hot! I pulled my pants above my knees, which was a huge relief, but just not good enough. Since I was about to rip my pants off and do the rest of class in my underwear, I decided to quickly run out of the room and change into my shorts. (My deepest, sincerest apologies if I was a disruption or distraction to anyone's practice today - I know it was a little rude to change my clothes halfway through. I promise I will never do that again.)

We also had a celebrity in class - Robin Ivy from WCYY!! It was very exciting to have her there, and hear all the wonderful compliments she had for both the studio and for Vicki.

I've been in class where the temperature has gotten up to 103 before, but this class felt so much hotter. My towel was drenched with sweat, but the floor was even hotter than my towel was, so there was no relief to be found. Ever played "The floor is lava!" when you were little? It reminded me of that. Except, you know, you could actually stand on the floor without burning anything because it wasn't actually THAT hot. Huh, I guess it's exactly the same as the game.

A small personal triumph - I actually gave toe stand a try today! I've been worried about trying it because my balancing needs so much work, and also I have one ankle that is really tight. It screams a little every time I try to lay all the down in Fixed Firm. I think it partly stems from my being pigeon-toed (also the reason I walk on the outsides of my feet and therefore have a hard time grounding down through my big toe in balancing postures), and partly because I was in a car accident a few years ago and injured that foot. I think balancing on my toes is actually going to help gain strength in that foot and ankle. After trying it today, Fixed Firm already felt a little bit better, so I'm going to keep giving it a try!!

Tomorrow is a much needed day of rest after 6 straight days of yoga! My butt is really sore, so I'm definitely going to practice some stretching tomorrow.

Keep an eye out for those pictures and anything Robin Ivy has to say about class or the studio!!

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