Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Steamy Vinyasa!

Woo! Tuesday night Vinyasa - such a workout!! Tonight's class was warm and steamy. I had sweat streaming up (down?) my nose in a few downward dogs.

My legs are definitely feeling it now! All those lunges and warriors... man! I'm having a hard time thinking of anything else now. So here's this cute little dude - he's pretty good :P

Downward dog is coming along. It's starting to feel more like a resting posture than it did before. Shaking my head out each time is super helpful to make sure I'm not tensing my shoulders or neck too much. And it's definitely easier for me than high to low plank. I like to give those a few tries though in an effort to make my arms resemble actual arms someday.

I'm starting to dig the switch up between Vinyasa, Hatha (Bikram) and Yin Yang. It's nice to get some variety in throughout the week, and to work different muscles. My arms and shoulders were much more fatigued at the beginning of class than I expected, but I was able to mostly work through, taking it a little easier when I needed.

I tried balancing half moon for the first time ever tonight. It was a lot harder than it looked!! We all know balancing is tricky for me, but I was shocked at how hard it was for me to touch the floor and then open my hip. And by "hard" I mean I couldn't do it. Something to work on!

Overall, class went well. I was really excited to go to class, and a little nervous as I never know what to expect with Vinyasa. I was breathing hard and sweating, and feeling good about it! I could slow down and catch my breath when I needed to, and keep pushing forward when that felt good too.

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