Monday, April 4, 2011


Seemed like we had quite a few new people in class tonight. Hooray!! I love seeing people start out at this lovely studio. The bigger classes get, the better! Speaking of, I at first thought it wasn't too hot and humid (especially considering that it was raining), but then as we were getting through the standing series I realized how super sweaty I was! Especially during Standing Bow - it was really hard to hold onto my ankle.

Speaking of Standing Bow, I had about 4 whole seconds of AMAZING tonight! I still have a loooong way to go, but I'm definitely seeing progress and getting happier each time to do it.

I started today with sore shoulders from sitting in an office all day, and while I managed to rock half moon, the rest of the "arms up" series was so tiring! By the way, in case you wondering, the key to half moon is totally pulling. If you're just trying to bend and you're not pulling and stretching the "long" side it's so much harder! Although it does make the arms tired. Or the limp noodles, as is my case :D

Class went by pretty quickly today. And only once did I give Vicki the "OMG Hurry UP!!" look. It wasn't intentional, it's the equivalent of checking the clock for when time's up - Vicki's just my clock :) Speaking of Vicki, it was super great to watch her and her pregnant belly get into triangle with us! Another posture that's getting better as I go. I can't say that I love it yet, but I definitely hate it less than I used to. Lunging is getting easier, and getting deeper into my hips makes holding triangle easier.

Floor bow also went better today. Squeezing my bum helped me get up on the soft part of my belly and off the hard pointy parts of my pelvis that pinch when I balance on them. And yay! No heartburn or throwing up. I was a little worried after lunch today, and the fact that I nearly threw up after one of the standing balancing poses. I also think I need to work on keeping my knees from splaying out too much in floor bow.

Today's class felt great! I was excited to go, really happy to see a fairly large class, and overall felt good going in. Any soreness I had at the beginning of class had totally vanished by the end. It's so great to see and feel that I'm steadily improving! I'm getting more excited for each class. I know I took some time off in the middle and I'm just getting back in the swing of things, but I really thought by this point I'd be tired of going and dreading each class - just the opposite is happening! I'm so excited that I'm able to do more in each posture that I want to keep going back and trying again!

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